English is a very rich language, with hundreds of thousands of words. On the one hand, that gives is a wide vocabulary to exploit. On the other hand, that means some pairs, triplets, and occasional bigger-tuples of words, use the same sounds. (On the gripping hand, this rich overlap is one of the bases for wordplay, which gives us a wide variety of games and puzzles.)
As we need to do a lot of reading and writing in the course of our lives, we will encounter homophones. To be understood correctly, we will want to use the correct alternative.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Pronunciation Guide
Affect, Effect [ə 'fekt]
Aye, Eye, I [aɪ]
Bae, Bay [beɪ]
Be, Bee [biː]
Beach, Beech [bi:tʃ]
Bread, Bred [bred]
Buy, By, Bye [baɪ]
Cannon, Canon ['kæ nən]
Cay, Key, Quay [kiː]
Cell, Sell [sel]
Cereal, Serial ['siː riː əl]
Coo, Coup [kuː]
Coop, Coupe [ku:p]
Cue, Kew, Kue, Que, Queue [kju]
Dane, Deign [deɪn]
Dear, Deer [diːr]
Die, Dye [daɪ]
Do, Doe, Doh, Dough [dəʊ]
Do, Due [dʊə]
Dual, Duel [dul]
Effect - see Affect
El, Ell [el]
Ewe, U, You [ju]
Eye - see Aye
Faint, Feint [feɪnt]
Fair, Fare [feər]
Flour, Flower ['flaʊ ər]
For, Fore, Four [fʊər]
Gait, Gate [geɪt]
Gild, Guild [gɪld]
Gilt, Guilt [gɪlt]
Gorilla, Guerilla [gə 'rɪ lə]
Hale, Hail [heəl]
Hall, Haul [hɔːl]
Heal, Heel [hiːl]
Hear, Here [hiːr]
Hi, High [haɪ]
Hour, Our [aʊr or 'aʊ ər]
I – see Aye
Idle, Idol ['aɪ dəl]
Jam, Jamb [dʒæm]
Jewel, Joule
Knead, Need [ni:d]
Knight, Night [naɪt]
Knot, Not [nɒt]
Know, No [əʊ]
Lade, Laid [leɪd]
Lain, Lane [leɪn]
Lay, Lei [leɪ]
Lean, Lien [liːn]
Lo, Low [ləʊ]
Load, Lode, Lowed [ləʊd]
Loan, Lone [ləʊn]
Me, Mi [miː]
Mine [miːn]
Mode, Mowed [məʊd]
Mood, Mooed [muːd]
Mohel, Moil [mɔɪl]